Fortnite ping test

Fortnite Battle Royale

Fortnite the Battle-Royale of Dancing and Emotes.

Is Fortnite down?

You can now also check out current Fortnite game server status here.

Originally a stand-alone Zombie shooter, Epic saw the potential for the Battle Royale genre with the success of PUBG and implemented a mod to capitalize.

With a 'Battle Bus' instead of a plane (thank the bus driver) and a more cartoon-ish feel, as well as being free, Fortnite has risen to massive popularity. If you want to check your connection in general try our new Ping test.

Game Servers

Snapshot taken on: July 29, 2021, 6:50 pm

  • North America : Ohio 118 ms
  • Europe : Frankfurt 27 ms
  • Korea : Seoul 250 ms
  • Japan : Tokyo 237 ms
  • Oceania : Sydney 243 ms
  • South America : Brazil 198 ms
  • South East Asia : Singapore 165 ms
  • China : Beijing 243 ms